Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday School AND Sermon Notes 4/14/13

I enjoyed the Sunday School and Sermon today, so I wanted to share both (not that I ever don't enjoy either!) The Sunday school lesson is from the outline Brother Ricky makes for us each week, with the questions we use to discuss. I encourage you to answer the questions, and take some time researching if you want to know more. We always think and discuss a lot on Sunday mornings!

Sunday School - "How's My Walk With God?" Series, Bauman Road Baptist Church
4/14/13 "Don't Steal The Show" With Brother Richard Robinson

(Below is all from the outline Brother Ricky makes for us each week.)

We have a tendancy to think more highly of ourselves than we should. The day we attribute God's success to our own account, is the day we start going down hill.

Discussion...Acts 14:8-20
8 And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's womb, who never had walked:

9 The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed,

10 Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked.

11 And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men.

12 And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker.

13 Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people.

14 Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying out,

15 And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein:

16 Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways.

17 Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.

18 And with these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them.

19 And there came thither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people, and having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead.

20 Howbeit, as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up, and came into the city: and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe.

(Thought Provoking Questions:)
  • How were Paul and Barnabus presented with the opportunity to "steal the show?"
  • What are some of the tricks that are being used today (in Christian circles), in order to "steal the show"?
  • Are we guilty of misrepresenting ourselves and our relationship with the Lord?
  • How would you compare this misrepresentation of our relationship with the Lord, with what other shysters out there are doing?
  • Can you recall a time when you were tricked into doing something, and how it felt?
  • When it comes to ourselves, many times we don't deceive people, and yet know they are mistaken and do nothing to set things straight. Is there a difference?
  • What do you know about stoning? How was it done?
  • When Paul was being stoned, do you think he thought about Stephen?
  • "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me." Lets talk about what we say, and stoning people.
  • After being stoned, Paul got up and walked back into the city. Do you think he was doing so in defiance, to show them he wasn't afraid of them? Why do you think he did it?
  • In your opinion, what was today's lesson all about?
Romans 12:3 "For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith."

Sermon -  Bauman Road Baptist Church - Sunday AM service
4/14/13 "Paul's Prescription for Peace and Joy" With Brother Adam Johnson
(aka Pastor Hubby to me!)

I Thess. 5:16-18

1.Rejoice Evermore
  • Nothing should drag us down because we have been saved!
  • Bad things will happen, but we always have something to be joyful about!
  • Not always happy outside, but inward joy!
2. Pray Without Ceasing
  • Take the time to pray for others (and not just a "bless them" type of prayer) and for ourselves
  • We have not because we ask not or we ask amiss
3. Give Thanks
  • Not just for food!
  • Thank God for all He has given us!
  • Thank God for all He has NOT given us!
Psalm 145:17-18

1. We have to embrace God in faith to feel the joy
  • "I'm crucified with Christ" - the old guy is dead!
2. Give your heart to God (Romans 10)
  • Not half-hearted, but WHOLE heartily
  • be sincere!
  • if not, don't expect the joy and peace
3. Obedience
  • God's expectation is perfection
  • We can't be perfect, but it's not a licence to sin!
  • If we're not obedient, we will fall HARD!
  • Follow God's word! Not man's word, or priest's, or anyone but God!
  • Believe God's Word and Apply It!
Phil. 2:1-11 - The purpose of our existence - Glory to God!

1. Godly service requires Allegiance
  • God HAS to be #1!
2. Godly service requires Genuine Love
  • If you can't love your brother who you can see, how can you love God whom you can't see?
  • If your left arm offend you, cut it off! Don't let anything keep you from serving God!
3. Godly service requires humility (James 4)
  • Jesus hasn't changed, why has the church (we) felt the need to? To put on a show to make us look better!?
  • Service doesn't have to be made fanciful!
God expects us to be joyful! He has given us Joy and Peace! (not happy on the outside or to put on a fake smile, but to be truly joyful!)

And I know I've already posted this song before, but it is one of my VERY favorites and we sang it in worship this morning! So, I'm sharing it again:

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