Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Obvious Kind of Post for New Years Day

Happy New Year to all of you!

New years resolutions are very hard to stick to, but one of mine is to do at least 2 blogs a week on here....(one being on Sundays...I've decided to post notes either from sunday school or church...)

I'd like to share how I started off my new year in hopes of having a good year of drawing closer to my Lord. This is not meant to be a LOOK AT ME kind of thing, but maybe an encouragement for someone else to start their year off in a similar way...focusing on what REALLY should be our focus year round:

Last night I decided I'd end 2012 with prayer...so I muted the tv and began praying 10 minutes before the ball dropped...I watch the ball drop every year and really wanted to see it this year...well when I said Amen, I looked up and saw everyone making out on TV...nice huh? ... for a split second my thoughts were "Man! I missed seeing the ball drop!" Quickly I shook my head at myself and reminded myself that prayer was a much better way to start 2013 than watching a ball drop on television followed by everyone making out to music about who knows what.... so i watched the fireworks out the window for a few minutes and then texted a lot of people "happy new year!" I then rolled over to my hubby (who was sleeping until the mass fireworks began to ring all over the neighborhood), I said "would you pray for us to have a good year of drawing closer to God?" and so we prayed together... It's important to talk to God as an individual and as a couple!

This morning I woke up thinking...I have the day off, it'd be the perfect morning to dive into God's word with my hubby! So we prayed and read Psalms and Proverbs of the day...click the link to see the plan for reading clear through Psalms and Proverbs every month. We then started in on a book called Rebuilder's Guide. It's HIGHLY recommended from me!! My oldest brother gave it to us when we got married and asked that we read it together...and we're not big on reading, so we put it off, but I wish we'd read it sooner! Part of it the chapter we read this morning was about getting rid of things which cause you to fall. I'd been thinking about doing this for months (with our movie collection, music, etc.), but hadn't acted on it...it doesn't do any good unless you ACT on your intents! So we ACTED on it this morning...we took out things which didn't follow this verse: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Phil. 4:8. Another thing it talked about was fasting. I decided today I'd have 3 HUGE spiritual meals and one small physical meal. Drowning the first day of the new year in scripture will hopefully help me stay focused on what is right all year round...but how quickly we lose sight of our Savior and turn to our wicked ways...it's important to begin each day with scriptures and not only to read it, but to memorize it so that we use it against Satan when we're falling...to catch ourselves and turn us back to God. Jesus Christ already has won the victory over sin for us, we just have to claim it! Something I REALLY have to work on when I'm falling.

My main goal this year: Focus a LOT more on God and His plan...and a LOT less on me and my plan...

Happy 2013...may you all have a blessed year and keep HIM in focus every day of this year and the years to come!
